Tag Archives: chili

Day 14: I’m surviving

What a gorgeous Sunday!!! Alfred really enjoyed being able to go outside and play. I, on the other hand, spent the afternoon in the kitchen prepping food for the week and restocking some of our essentials. I made another batch of almond butter, ranch dressing, and lara bars. And I made a big pot of chili for our lunches throughout the week and if you’re looking for a great recipe check here. Chris tried a little and said it was amazing. I am very into easy lunches that cover all the bases (protein, veggies, fat) and that can span a few days. I’m so glad I remembered that chili recipe when I was meal planning yesterday.

I’m starting to see why this thing only lasts 30 days. I don’t know that I could live the rest of my life worrying about what ingredients are in everything. I’m starting to get depressed about not being able to go out to dinner or go hang out at a friend’s house. We will definitely continue to utilize the mindset behind Whole30 but I think we’re going to try and reintroduce some things back. For instance, I’d love to have bread again. I need to double check the paleo rules but I think I could find a recipe for a whole food bread, plus I really want to use the bread maker that we received as a wedding gift from my beautiful sister-in-law. We will NOT be adding back dairy (ahhh cheese!!!!). I know dairy is the culprit for my upset tummy and frankly I think we were consuming too much of it (I’ll miss the cheese).

Something neat that Chris did yesterday with the remains of our whole bird was make a homemade bone broth. Holy cow at the amount of broth it made. Chris tried some and said it was delish but I really wasn’t in the mood to taste it. He has been such a great help today. I only spent 4 hours in the kitchen this Sunday and he is part of the reason why I’ve cut down on prep time. He made us some ballin steaks on the grill and steamed up some green beans. You’ll love this, I DESPISE green beans and with a passion. Well Chris was determined I needed to try them because we had a large amount of them. That led to an argument…well sorta. Since we’ve started this thing Chris hasn’t had to eat 1 food that he didn’t like. I on the other hand have had to eat several (cauliflower, broccoli, squash, zucchini,….the list could go on forever) and my defense for opting for a salad instead was that I’m tired of eating stuff I hate. I know that’s silly but I’m so sad about all the gross things I’ve eaten to help my body. To make him feel better I decided that I would try a few green beans and guess what…. They aren’t as bad as I remembered (I have some traumatizing memories involving those green sticks). I seriously couldn’t believe that I actually like them! Please don’t tell my mom because I refused her crazy bacon green bean concoction at thanksgiving (it looked absolutely disgusting) and I’m pretty sure it hurt her feelings.

Not much else to report in terms of this whole 30 biz, I’ve already covered the amazing results we’ve had in the last few updates. I think I’m going to enjoy this incredible roaring fire my husband built for me and continue reading my new book 🙂

Have a wonderful Sunday evening,

Ash, Chris, and the pup